What heater to choose for house walls outside under plaster

As climate on the most part of our country obviously not Californian to place heater under plaster – business not only practical, but also favorable. How to execute to house owner "wet facade", it is described in separate article. Here we will consider what heater it is better to use under facade plaster in various conditions when warming the house.

Why to make warming of a facade

Sometimes several objectives can be achieved by one reception.

The room of front heater under plaster allows to achieve:

  • effective heat preservation in the building, and, therefore, saving of energy and funds for heating, creation of the comfortable, sparing conditions for living;
  • to remove the place of active loss and subsidence of the condensed moisture from within material of walls out of their limits that protects walls from dampness and destruction, prolongs building service life;
  • to execute decorative registration of "exterior" of the building.
dew point

According to the second task to do plaster on heater for internal walls less rationally, than in case of warming of a facade. However there are situations when warming from within – the only thing possible (for example, according to the local legislation).

What heater is better for a facade under plaster

It is difficult to beginner to choose heater for house walls outside under plaster, being among counters where the modern different materials products of the different companies gruditsya. Therefore it is desirable before carrying out selection of material for warming, it is necessary to get acquainted with types of the warming materials, the main differences in properties, characteristics and also application conditions.

Among characteristics of the warming materials will be important for wet facades:

  • heat conductivity coefficient;
  • density, and, therefore, the weight transferred to a wall and also rigidity of a plate;
  • water absorption;
  • combustibility;
  • paroizolyatsionny properties;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • price.

Besides, density is connected with heat-retaining ability. On density insulating materials divide on:

  • especially easy (for example, polyfoam, penoizol);
  • lungs (here conditionally carry a minvata);
  • averages;
  • rigid.

The size of density and heat conductivity are in direct dependence. The first is higher, the it is less than air preserving heat in the equal volume of heater, the heat through thermal insulation leaves easier.

main characteristics

Means, for identical ability to keep heat, the layer of less dense material is taken more thinly, and – is thicker than more dense.

Density (or the specific weight specified usually in kg/m3) which is various for materials of one sort (for example, stone cotton wool) influences a scope, a way of installation, product cost, noise reduction level. So more dense minvata suppresses noise less, but it is simpler to mount it as it holds a form better and resists the enclosed loadings. It is suitable for wet facades (unlike less dense).

First of all, making the choice, are guided on:

  • heat-insulating qualities;
  • convenience of a form of slabby material to installation;
  • possibility of installation without additional measures (it is provided with rigidity of plates);
  • correlatively low price.

Polystyrene and polyfoam

One of types of the building materials received by different technologies from one raw materials – polystyrene. Polyfoam is produced processing of polystyrene granules water vapor. Increasing at a rate of a granule, sticking together, form a cloth with a time of two types – closed and reported.

Foam plates for gluing coat with glue surely on all surface.


  • plates are easy (do not load a wall);
  • are easily cut;
  • well keep heat;
  • are steady against microorganisms;
  • small price.
warming of walls polyfoam under plaster


  • almost zero vapor permeability that forces to provide compulsory ventilation;
  • unfortunately, material goryuch, and in the course of burning in air toxic agents are emitted;
  • low mechanical durability, demands protection from external even the average force of influences;
  • vulnerability to rodents;
  • does not transfer solvents;
  • it is not resistant to direct beams of the sun.

Read our article about plaster on polyfoam.


For receiving heater with fibrous structure – stone cotton wool (other name of a minvata) rocks melt also the lavopodobny weight which is formed at the 1500th With extend fibers. After addition in fibers of softeners, water-repellent and binding substances carry out their polymerization. The received material is cut on plates or tape cloths which apply to front and internal warming of walls. It is possible to work with stone cotton wool without gloves.

Density of a minvata is designated by the brand. Under plastering stone cotton wool of the PZh 125 and PZh 200 brands is good. Cotton wool with a density less than 110-120 kg/m3 is more pliable to loadings, less rigidly therefore it for wet facades is not used.

Basalt heater for 90% consists of stone substance therefore:

  • does not burn;
  • does not decay;
  • has high vapor permeability (probably, the best heater for wooden walls);
  • it is resistant to solvents;
  • it is mounted all the year round;
  • it is easily cut;
  • does not demand special abilities for installation;
  • it is durable.

Minuses consider that mineral wool:

  • it napityvatsya easily by water, losing heat-insulating properties;
  • holds a form worse than other materials keeping heat;
  • long soaking can lead to loss of a form.

Ecocotton wool

It is the heater which is seldom used under plaster. Material is received processing of paper waste and salvage.

Traditionally are present at structure:

  • cellulose fibers ~ 80%;
  • the fire-retarding agents (interfering ignition) ~ 8%;
  • antiseptics (in the mass of fungi and other fans of cellulose apply boric acid to prevention of emergence) ~ 12%.
ecocotton wool

Ecocotton wool pluses:

  • about 30% of moisture are capable to absorb, without getting out of a shape, continuing to keep heat;
  • the heat-insulating properties are higher, than at a minvata for 20-24% (for a dry state);
  • allows walls "to breathe";
  • forms a monolithic covering that excludes cold bridges;
  • low price.


  • complexity of drawing (the equipment and technology of dusting is required);
  • near sources of fire decay is possible;
  • for an exception of shrinkage it is required to follow technology precisely;
  • holds pressing worse than polyfoam;
  • strong dust formation at dry installation, long drying covering – at installation wet;
  • big losses of time.

Anyway it is disputable material. Even write to networks that "эко" is translated as economic, but not eco-friendly.

Penopleks EPPS

One more material from polystyrene granules. Expanded polystyrene (penopleks) is produced ekstruzivno: polystyrene is heated, melt, and then process the ferry the received weight. As a result of a time turn out small, closed that defines such properties as moisture impermeability, durability, density.

When comparing with polyfoam almost on all characteristics important for wet facades, except the price, is more advantageous penopleks. Besides, expanded polystyrene is used for internal thermal insulation of rooms as occupying less spaces. Both materials successfully use for warming of socles and facades.


  • ease;
  • water tightness (it is resistant to dampness);
  • simplicity of processing;
  • durability (maintains loading to 4 kgfs/cm2 that is unattainable for polyfoam from its 0.5 kg on the same square);
  • durability.


  • combustibility;
  • under direct rays of light of the sun collapses;
  • we love rodents;
  • more expensively than polyfoam.


One more modification of polyfoam.



  • heat conductivity coefficient low;
  • does not sustain combustion;
  • elastic (small deformation with return of a form is allowed);


  • expensive "pleasure".


The unusual material received by foaming of mix of glass and stone crumb. Modifications of this heater is invented much. There are very strong blocks, steamproof. There are blocks with a through time (ETIZ gas glass) allowing walls "to breathe" very easy. We do not consider them as it products from a class expensive.

installation of plates from foamglass

Napylyaemy heat-insulating materials

Such structures demand special cars for drawing and also difficult process of preparation and use of components. You should not consider the materials received by dusting as the technology of their drawing and production is difficult for beginners. And to "wet" facades it is not applied.

putting liquid heater

How to calculate heater thickness

For performance of calculations it is necessary to know a little theory. Heat conductivity was mentioned above. Explaining with clear language, we will give analogy to filters. Product capacity – the volume of the water filtering for the time period, for example, for an hour through unit of area. If instead of water we imagine heat which is flowing away linearly from the room through a wall (single thickness) for unit of time, we will gain an impression about what means heat conductivity coefficient.

Knowing parameters, for example, the wall thickness, a difference of temperatures in the house and "behind a board", heat conductivity coefficient (Vt*m / J), we can count losses of heat. Or on the contrary to count what thickness to make a wall that losses of heat were not higher than desirable. For this purpose there is a formula of calculation of heatresistance which back heat conductivity. The formula considers that the wall is similar to puff pie because on the way of leakage of heat consistently there are several layers of different heat conductivity, and considers thickness of each layer.

Calculation is carried out on formulas in the same order.

formulas for calculation of thickness of heater

Having determined the total resistance of all layers (which there can be more than 3), we calculate R min. We compare R ave. and R min. If R min. do not exceed R ave., to warm a wall to anything. If it is more, then we calculate a difference, taking away of R min. – R ave., receiving ΔR.

Technique this quite difficult as it is necessary to find in standards of value of units for the region of construction. Therefore usually use calculators in the on-line mode.

Heater installation

Optimal conditions for assembly production:

  • temperature +5 – +30os;
  • calm;
  • lack of rainfall;
  • the place priteneno if the side of the house is lit with direct sunshine.

As is more often under plaster of a facade of the master and beginners use a minvata or polyfoam, we describe their installation.

warming of the house under plaster layers

Plaster coats:

  1. Wall
  2. The leveling plaster coat
  3. Heater
  4. Grid
  5. Top plaster coat
  6. Decorative finishing

Characteristics of these materials are close, an installation order identical:

  • get and prepare the required materials with a stock;
  • walls are prepared for installation;
  • mount thermal insulation plates;
  • prepare solution;
  • carry out reinforcing;
  • ground the reinforced plaster layer;
  • carry out finishing finishing.

The detailed description of technology is stated in article about "wet plaster". Here we will state only the main milestones.

Preparation of materials

We stock up with all necessary materials in advance.

We get:

  • glue for heater (corresponding at the same time to materials of heater and a wall);
  • priming means (for a wall and for the reinforced plaster layer, structures can be different);
  • the chosen heater (in case of exterior finish of the house we choose polyfoam with marking F (for facades);
  • net cloth (fiber glass or metal);
  • plaster mixes (basic for creation of "armour", decorative for finishing finishing);
tools and materials for heater installation

Also we prepare:

  • the corners supplied with networks on each side;
  • the socle directing profile (p-shaped);
  • the expansion bolt shield fungi (we select length for thickness of plates of heater).

Just before works with glue or plaster compositions of mix we prepare according to the instruction.

Preparation of walls for heater installation

This stage of works reminds preparation of walls of the house under plaster:

  • the become obsolete covering of a plaster facade is deleted, leaving only what is strong, strong keeps, filled wash away;
  • the surface is inspected;
  • cut down flows, ledges;
  • clean from fatty, zarzhavlenny, mouldy spots and a soot;
  • delete an excess hardware, hide conducting in shtroba;
  • shtroba, masonry, interblock seams cover glue-foam;
  • cracks, hollows repair;
  • delete dust;
  • if it is necessary, level a surface (ground, plaster);
  • stick frames, window blocks with a film;
  • apply primer;
  • dry up.

For the listed and subsequent works establish the reliable construction woods. Will organize the place for preparation of solutions (glue, plaster) and also for cutting of plates. Mark a surface. Mount a socle profile at the height up to 60 cm over the day Earth's surface, but is 30 cm lower, than the level of a plate of overlapping of the 1st floor.

Heater installation

We begin to mount heater for a facade under plaster from drawing on sheets of glue weight and gluing of sheets of the first row (from a building end face). We put sticky weight entirely (at a plain surface of a wall) or several flat cakes (diameter about 20 cm) and a strip on leaf perimeter with a space of 2-3 cm from edge (if a wall insufficiently equal). For continuous pasting we use the gear pallet or a trowel.

We put the "greased" plate, pressing to the basis so that glue "clung", we shift heater aside and we return into place. Then glue will evenly be distributed in a gap between a wall and the basis. We delete the mass of glue which acted at the edges with a shovel of the pallet, oiling places where glue under edges of a plate did not appear.

We join each following plate to previous, densely moving up to a smykaniye of end faces. In case of formation of gleams, densely we fill blank spaces with heater scraps. If to cover gleams with glue weight, cold bridges which cannot be allowed are formed.

Sheets in the next ranks paste, following rules of bandaging.

Some time until glue grabbed, plates can be moved. This period is used for adjustment and editing of provision of heater that the surface of plates formed the equal plane. Check and adjustment are carried out wooden bar or the rule.

Having finished facing of a facade of the house with sheets of heater, wait for 3 days until glue hardens. Then carry out additional fixing of each plate to a wall the expansion bolt shield fungi so that the leaf was pressed in five points. It is possible to fix one fungus corners of the next plates. The mushroom hat has to "roll" in a plate on 1 mm, and from above is protected by the smeared solution from moisture hit.


On the surface of heater grounded previously apply with spatula a layer of plaster or glue solution (if for the reinforcing layer chose glue). Rule a surface the pallet with teeth, impose, straightening, a grid cloth. Carrying out over a grid by the ordinary pallet, press armopolotno into solution.

heater reinforcing

In mesh "attire" gleams and connection of cloths end-to-end are inadmissible. The next pieces of grids join 10 cm to an overlap. Apply profile corners to corners. Correctly executed reinforcing will create the strong "armor" keeping so that at a separation the grid comes off on heater, but not on a junction.

Types of plaster on heater

Most often apply decorative plastering to exterior finish of the walls warmed in such a way. In this case for a plaster covering plaster which chemically should not clash with structure of "armour" and material of heater is chosen. Plaster process is similar to putting solution on the usual, prepared for plastering wall. The put layer will be (in relation to warmed) external therefore has to carry out protective except decorative functions.

To plaster the warmed surface of external walls, mixes approach:

  1. Mineral (it is neutral in relation to the listed heaters, however corrodes a plastic grid). For creation of "armour" use fiber glass or metal reinforcing. The arising at shrinkage of cement plaster, internal tension can lead to damage of heatpreserving "pie". Therefore as heater under plaster choose polyfoam of the increased durability (marking higher than 35) or penopleks.
  2. Acrylic is suitable for any grids. Inconvenience in need quickly, without breaks to plaster all wall. After any break on a wall color traces on a joint of dried up will be shown and is fresher than mixes.
  3. Mix cost will be the only complaint to polymeric plaster.
  4. Silicone is also expensive, very elastic, does not fade, does not clash. However it is not necessary to apply structures with a stone crumb on the basis of silicone to weak mineral-cotton plates. If you want to try, then make more powerful reinforcing, having taken close-meshed metal gauze.

Technology of plaster of the chosen heater

Plaster process is begun, having waited for full drying of the reinforced layer. As well as in case of cooking of walls under plaster the surface is grounded on two passes. The plaster layer is put with a trowel or the pallet, adhering to the equipment which carry out a decorative covering with the chosen effect, for example, for a bark beetle do "rolling" of grains of filler.

If coloring of the house is planned, then plaster is leveled and smoothed down, or puttied.

It is possible to warm the house not only use of warm plaster, but also the device of "a wet facade". Having got acquainted with the heater types suitable for this scheme, having correctly chosen the necessary material, pay also attention to all works entering difficult, in own way, warming process. Only in this case heat of your center will be effectively preserved, and walls will be under protection.

Reference to the main publication